[Error] Oracle Database 11g Express Edition의 Install중 생기는 Error 해결(Oracle XE service instance Checking)
2022. 5. 2. 12:19
❗ Oracle에서 압축파일 다운받고 setup.exe 실행 도중 해당 창이 뜨는 경우
❓ 오류 메시지
Checking operating system requirements. Expected result: Windows XP or above Actual result: Windows 7 / Windows 2008 R2 Check complete. The overall result of this check is: PASSED. Checking administrator priveleges for current logged in user. Expected result: Administrator priveleges for current logged in user. Actual result: Current logged in user has Administrator priveleges. Check complete. The overall result of this check is: PASSED. Checking for Oracle XE service instance. Expected result: should not be installed allready. Actual result: OracleServiceXE found on system. Check complete. The overall result of this check is:
📌 해결
1. 관리자 권한으로 cmd 실행
2. sc delete OracleServiceXE